Saturday, April 4, 2020


#Laughter even in hard times like this Celebrate your Birthday Play Some Music and Mourn the Dead. #laughteristhebestmedicine Right alongside #TrumpGuidelines with nothing but time #QuarantineLife I will share some of my #WarCorrespondence #GovernorCuomo #fighting to defend #NewYorkers with fullForce enacted #MatildaLaw after his mom telling #Potus she is not the #rightperson to go and #FundHimself all #NewYorkers to unite and protect their #ElderlyParents defying orders “ He could not do it” She is #StayingAlive #GovernorDesantis #CleanCut in a recent #TrumpPressConference in a conversation warn #NewYork to keep that #DangerousSeed out of #Florida as a #Caravan trying to enter his #border we will defend our territory and #POW #PresidentofWar leaving all powers for the #Governors with #gunblazing for all #Floridians to be vigilant #IfyouseeSomethingSaySomething people calling #911 as CruisesShip were no longer Welcome as fighting the #InvisibleEnemy took a turn for the worst Only a few made it the port for humanitarian reasons, they had #Coronavirus #casualties on board, #SickandWounded #FloridaGovernor put an end and allowed safe passage. That is when I learn even in time of #war you too can relax the rules and That’s When I wrote my first few hashtag sharing for the first time #TouchYourMouth #soldiers #YouTooCanTouchYourMouth #LowerYourMasks #bebrave “ #Floridians just #DontShake #Potus never like #ShakingHands unless he is #Winning to prepare for that #BigCelebration #GoDownonYourKnees shout the #VicePresident #KeepFollowing Read from the book of #TrumpGuidelines #GameChanger all that I remember was my last line something that #soldiers returning from battle would describe as the #FogofWar and those brave heroes with #AthousandYardStare passing the cashier I shouted #TimetoLowerTheMasks #TouchYourMouth reach out and feel inside #YourSurvival depends on it #GroceryShopping #Use a #TeaSpoon you can #GoBig #CaniEat #TouchYourMouth to eat reach #InsideYourMouth For more excerpts click here

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