Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Haiti COVID-19 Testing Center

The COVID-19 test is available in the following public/private health institutions in five departments of Haiti:

  • Starting today, January 27 2021, at noon, the departure terminal at Toussaint Louverture International Airport will have available a COVID-19 rapid testing site.  The clinic will offer the COVID-19 rapid test that meets CDC criteria for all airline passengers two years and older who are travelling to the United States.  The clinic plans to be open seven days a week from 7am to 8pm, though this schedule might change based on local conditions.
  •  West Department:
    • "Laboratoire National de la Santé Publique" (PCR and Antigen Test) : 52, angle Rue chardonnieres et Delmas 33, Delmas, Haiti
    • Centre Gheskio (IMIS LRM) (PCR test and Antigen Test): Chateau Blond – Tabarre 41. Entrance Rue T. Auguste, Rue Roumain, Tabarre, Haiti
    • "Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs" St Damien Hospital (PCR Test) :  Boulevard du 15 Octobre, Tabarre, Haiti
    • MicroLab (Antigen Test) : 57, Angle Rues Lambert et Lamarre, Pétion-Ville, Haiti
    • MedLab (Antigen Test): 51, Rue Fernand, Canape Vert, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
    • Clinique Lambert – Unilab (Antigen Test) : 75, Rue Lambert, Pétion-Ville
    • Centre Hospitalier Sainte Marie" (Anticorp based Test): Avenue John Brown, Lalue, Haiti
  • South Department: 
    • Hôpital Immaculée Conception (PCR Test): Rue Prospère Faure, Les Cayes, Haiti
    • Saint Boniface Hospital (PCR Test):  Fonds des Blancs, Haiti
  • Centre Department: 
    • "Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais" (PCR Test): Route departementale, Mirebalais, Haiti
  • Artibonite Department: 
    • Hôpital Saint Nicolas (PCR Test):  126, Rue Savannah, Saint Marc, Haiti
    • Hôpital la Providence (PCR Test): Rte Nationale #1, Gatreau, Gonaïves, Haiti
  • North Department: 
    • Hôpital Universitaire Justinien (PCR Test):  Rue 17P, Cap-Haitian, Haiti
    • Hôpital Sacré-Coeur de Milot (PCR Test): 1, Rue Républicaine, Habitation Dubreuil, Milot, Haiti
For more info go to

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